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UK Converters & Distributors of Technical Adhesive Tapes, Foams, Films & Membranes

Switch Your Sound On, Sit Back & Press Play

….. & grab a mince pie 

2021 certainly threw us all a few curve balls. It really has been an unrelenting year of team work & determination.

As we prepare for our much needed break, we’d like to take this opportunity to thank our extended Lynvale family for your continued support. We wish you a safe & magical holiday.

Thank You Simon!

Our team would also like to say a huge thank you to our own Managing Director, Simon.

He has worked tirelessly to keep us all safe and is very much deserving of a restful Christmas. Thank you !

Key Dates:

Our factory and offices will be closed from 4pm Wednesday 22nd December, 2021. We are returning on Tuesday 4th January, 2022.